martes, 9 de julio de 2013

The sun is out!!!

How often can you say if you live in Ireland: "Let's go to the beach. It fucking warm out?" Well, not too often, i tell you. But lately, this is all you can hear!
I have been living in Ireland now for nearly 11 years and this is the first time i ever have a swim. I put my shorts on (the only reason i had a pair here is because i went on a holiday), a tank top that i made myself out of a 4 euro Penneys t-shirt and took the train to Sea Point.


I am Spanish, i know very well what it feels like to go to the beach, i grow up there but this is completely different. They live it to the max. I lived it to the max. Children running like little maniacs around the place, beer cans all over the sand, the full Penneys swimwear collection, zero suncream, girls commenting on their amazing "tans" (red like a lobster).... This is unreal and i love it!

It is amazing how just a little bit of sun can change the mood of someone. If you have this everyday you do not really apreciate it. It becomes part of your daily routine. But when the sun becomes a luxury people makes the most of it!

And this is why i love the Irish so much! Is it rainning? Let's go and have a beer in the pub. Is it sunny? Let's go and have a beer in the beach.

The beach is not the only place that gets full. Every single park in the city, with no exception, is another good spot to go. I live next to Trinity College. It takes me 2 minutes to get there. So i get my beach towel, a couple of "Premium Duch Lager" (you can buy it in Supervalue for a euro a can) and let's just do nothing.

I can guarantee you that a good amount of people from that picture is supposed to be working. Come on guys and let's pull a sicky. Calling sick on a day like this is more than normal and every retailer around the city know this very well and get even ready it by getting more people in that day to cover for the ones they know will call sick. The funniest thing about it not the excuses (i have a bug, i got the flue, my granny died, i need to mind my little brother,....), is that they will go back to work the next day with a terrible hungover and their shoulders so red that some are even blistered.

Said all this, it is time for me to go and get my cheap beer cans, get my towel and enjoy another sunny day. What else could i do?

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Abortion and freedom of choice in Ireland

Abortion has been a strong topic for quite a while now in Ireland. It is ilegal, and many women that DECIDE by choice to terminate their pregnancies have to stick with this law or travel abroad where abortion is legal. 

In 1983 the Constitution of Ireland was amended, by referendum, adding this paragraph: 
"The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vidicate that right".

Just nine years after, in 1992, a girl, 14, had to travel to the UK where abortion is legal to terminate an abortion caused by rape. This case definetly caused a lot of controversy in the country. And 4 more referendums took place, to, somehow, ammend the "out of date" law. After it a new paragraph was added to the Constitution of Irleand: "This subsection shall not limit freedom to travel between the State and another state. This subsection shall no limit freedom to obtain or make available, in the State, subject to such conditions as may be laid down by law, information relating to services lawfully available in another state".

This did not solve the problem that a lot of Irish women have to face but at least gave them the "ilusion of choice". And i am writing that between quotes because, yes, because there is NOTHING of choice in this

Today, twenty years after, abortion is back on the front page as the goverment wants to make it legal in the grounds of suicide. This did not solve the problem that a lot of Irish women have to face but at least gave them the "ilusion of choice". 

During the week i was walking down O'Connell street. Just right in front of the GPO there was a group prostesting agains abortion. A man aproached me and, politely asked me to sign a petition to stop abortion. As polite as he was, i said: "Sorry, i am not againts abortion" when suddently he showed me a picture of a dead fetus, trying me make me feel bad for the way i feel. 

Well, first of all, this is not about abortion. It is not about if i want it or not. And i surely do not care if you want it or not. This is 2013, we are living in a country that promotes democracy and democracy promotes FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Why should we have to vote for something that clearly is a personal choice? Who are you to tell me what to do with my life? Who am i to tell you what to do with yours?

DO NOT EVER make me feel bad for what i choose to belive. I respect your belive, even if i am againts it.
DO NOT EVER force your believe to others. You do not know what that 15 years old girl you stop in the street has gone trough in her life. You don not know her life, her family, nothing. 

Fortunely, this is a democratic country, and you have the right to complain and protest to defend what you thing is right for you. But never forget what democracy promotes. RESPECT AND FEEDOM OF CHOICE. 

viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

Magic is real

Today i seach for the definition of magic. An extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. And i believe in it! There is nothing more extraordinaly than magic. A thing so small and simple, tho with the power to make you smile.

Let me give you an example. One of these super old tricks that you pick a card and i find out using magic the card you choose. What is magic about it? The fact that i know which card you picked? Or the fact that, even if you know its a stupid trick i managed to put a smile in your face?

It seams like we loose this power as we grow up. Changing this amazing way to feel for a more mature prespective of life. And it is normal, we are not children anymore, we grow up, face new challeges, work, build a life and a family and we forget about smiling. 

But then, you smile. And how good does it feel? It feels amazing!!! Could not be more magical. THIS IS MAGIC. The power to make you go back in time, feel like a child again, forget about what is behind things and blindly believe in it. 

And now, even better. Let's be magicians. Make people smile! Pick someone, like they pick a card, play a trick on them. It does not matter what it is as long as you believe it is magic. And just make it happen. 

You might be thinking that this is stupid and out of proportion. That believing in things like magic is for children and i should be facing the reality. But choosing to believe in what you want is what makes you who you are. It defines you as a person. It makes you unique. And this uniqueness is magical. So i choose to believe. 

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Do not give up!

When is the right time to give up? Is there really any good time to give up in what we believe? Or fighting till the end is the only way to go?

I believe that you should never give up. NEVER! Fighting for the things we want and love keeps us somehow alive. You do not want to get up in the morning knowing exacly what is going to happen, who you are going to see and what you are going to do.

The more you fight for it, the more you want it, and the more you want it, the more rewarding it will be when you get it. We are not talking about love. Enything it's possible. You want a career? Well, you can have it! You want children, you will be a mother. You want to be happy? Well, get the fuck out there and you will be.

A friend of mine texted me yesterday. She relies on me a lot when she is upset as i always try to cheer her up with some quote that i've seen or read online that i can apply to her. Her office friend got engaged. "And how do you feel?" I asked her. "Happy for her" was her response. And then the silence..... following a "I will never ger married". No, you will not if you keep complaining about it on your facebook chat. You have to make an effort. And yes, it is important that you have someone there to talk about when you feel like there is nothing else for you to do there when you want to give up. I moan, i moan like a fucking bitch but i pull myself together and i get out there and work for it!

I am not more special than you, i just want to let you know that giving up is wrong. It is a way to kill your dreams. It is a way to die.

Let's wrap this up. Put your best shoes on, get out on the street, look up the sun and breath in deeply. Today you might not achive your goal, but if you have this attitude everyday, you will at some stage.


martes, 2 de julio de 2013


Tell me, what do you think should be a priority to you? Are you the type of person that follow your heart or, instead, you close your eyes, count one to 10 and take a decision with your brain?

It is always harder to actually do this than think about it. Most of the time we try to tell ourself that what we do and the decisions we have chosen are the right ones. And we so know this is a lie that is gonna fuck us up in the future! But we are so stupid that we will do this mistake over and over again. 

I am no saying that is a bad think to do mistakes. It is important that we do them, so we relalize what really matters to us and we grow up emotionaly. But, how this decisions impact in the people around us? Our friends, family, loved ones, people we think we hate and we do not, people that loves us and we think they not.... Well, this what has been bothering me for quite a long time now. Should i fuck this people up as long as i am happy or i should sacrify some of this happyness of mine in order to make their lifes better somehow?

I am more the second type rather than the first one. Always looking after the ones i think matter to me. And this cost me sleepless nights and a fortune in sleeping pills. heheheheh. Seriously, my friends to me mean the world. And i am willing to give up my happiness so i can make them laugh. Some of you know this very well. And i am so tired to be the good guy all the time. But i know i will not change. This is in my nature and i should learn to live with it.

Putting some examples here would not be fare on some people. For the past few days i have this little angel on one of my shoulders telling me to be nice, try harder, be better so i will be rewarded with what i "think" is important to me. On the other shoulder i have that fucker of a demon. Telling me to fuck you up because by fucking you up i will make your life better in the future even if that cost me a good friend and a loved one. 

I recieved a txt this morning. Something like "you should stay away from me now. You should change your life"  Should i change my life because is good for me even if i am letting someone down? Or should you change this way to think and support me to achive my goals. And at the same time helping your best friend to get over the most dramatic time of his life. 

Point. By helping me you are helping others, by helping others you are not helping me. Brain or heart? Angel or demon? Easy or hard? You or us? The right thing to do or what you should really do?

I do not give up on my friends. NEVER. And if this, at some point makes me feel sad, i do not care. Because i do what i am supposed to do.